Tired of having dryness on the skin?
Dry skin can feel itchy, flaky, or painful in extreme cases. Also, not every product can be helpful in soothing dry skin.
Discover first Malaysia's probiotic lotion - a lotion moisturizer made with probiotics that help maintain skin’s good bacteria for extra hydrating skin and a healthier, more balanced complexion.
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) can help improve such skin conditions including wrinkles, sensitive skin, and dull skin.
- Stabilizes & strengthens skin’s microbiome
- Progressively fights against signs of aging
- Maintains healthy bacteria for smooth skin
- Non-sticky, rich texture
- Suitable for extreme skin dryness

Helps fight against dry & sensitive skin problems
Lactoherb Probiotic Lotion Benefits:
Safe and reliable
- Published in medical journals. Cleared test against ant-wrinkle. Dermatologists recommended
Balance the PH level of the skin
- Containing plenty of moisturizing and aging care ingredients can make skin weakly acidic without trouble
Suitable for all ages & skin types
- Suitable for sensitive skin, eczema, and rosacea
Serves as multipurpose All-in 1 lotion
- All skincare can be done with one product only

Simple steps to glowing skin
Treat your dry, itchy or sensitive skin with this probiotics moisturizer today. Formulated with 10 times of Lactobacillus, Lactoherb Moisturizing Face & Body Lotion helps to:
- Restore skin's natural microbiome
- Improve skin's barrier & lock in moisture
- Provide long-lasting hydration & relief
Key ingredients
- Consists of 10x Lactic acid bacteria, which has been safely confirmed as a raw cosmetic material. Lactic acid bacteria are able to increase the skin-beautifying bacteria which are the sources of moisture and adjust the balance of sebum.
- "La Flora EC-12®", is added on and has been patented as the trademark of ICHIMARU PHARCOS Co., Ltd.

Improved formula, with 10x more probiotics
You can now regain your naturally supple bouncy skin with Malaysia's No.1 probiotics lotion.
- Texture : Refreshing, lightweight, and non-sticky
- Usage: 1 bottle fulfills 3 MONTHS of your skincare needs!
- Pour a 20-cent coin size on your palm, and gently apply on the face.
Achieve dreamy skin, now. Fulfill your entire skin needs, with just one bottle of probiotics today.

马来西亚第一家益生菌乳液 -由益生菌制成的保湿乳,有助于维持皮肤的益菌,从而为皮肤额外补水,打造更健康、更平衡的肤色。
- 稳定和强化皮肤的益生物组
- 逐步对抗衰老迹象
- 保持健康益菌,使皮肤光滑
- 不黏腻,质地丰富
- 适合极度干燥的皮肤

- 发表于医学期刊。通过抗皱测试。皮肤科医生推荐
- 蕴含丰富的保湿抗老成分,让肌肤呈弱酸性无忧。
- 适用于敏感皮肤、湿疹和酒渣鼻
多用途 All-in 1 乳液
- 一款代替所有的护肤品

- 恢复皮肤的天然微生物组
- 改善皮肤屏障并锁住水分
- 提供持久的保湿和舒缓
- 增添了10倍的乳酸菌组成,被确认为达到安全指标的护肤品原料。乳酸菌可以增加为皮肤带来水分来源的美肤菌,调节皮脂的平衡。
- "添加“La Flora EC-12®”作为 ICHIMARU PHARCOS Co., Ltd. 的商标并已获得专利。

改良配方,益生菌含量增加 10 倍
- 质地 : 清爽、轻盈、不粘腻
- 使用方法: 1瓶可满足您3个月的护肤需求
- 将 20 分硬币大小倒在手掌上,然后轻轻涂抹在脸上。